HLF-Kubed: Blockchain-Based Resource Monitoring for Edge Clusters


  • Achilleas Tzenetopoulos National Technical University of Athens
  • Dimosthenis Masouros National Technical University of Athens
  • Nikolaos Kapsoulis National Technical University of Athens
  • Antonios Litke National Technical University of Athens
  • Dimitrios Soudris National Technical University of Athens
  • Theodora Varvarigou National Technical University of Athens




Hyperledger Fabric, Distributed Ledger Technology, Kubernetes, Edge Computing, Monitoring


In the past several years, there has been an increased usage of smart, always- connected devices at the edge of the network, which provide real-time contextual information with low overhead to optimize processes and improve how companies and individuals interact, work, and live. The efficient management of this huge pool of devices requires runtime moni- toring to identify potential performance bottlenecks and physical defects. Typical solutions, where monitoring data are aggregated in a centralized manner, soon become inefficient, as they are unable to handle the increased load and become single points of failure. In addition, the resource-constrained nature of edge devices calls for low-overhead monitoring systems. In this paper, we propose HLF-Kubed, a blockchain-based, highly available framework for monitoring edge devices, leveraging distributed ledger technology. HLF-Kubed builds upon Kubernetes container orchestrator and HyperLedger Fabric frameworks and implements a smart contract through an external chaincode for resource usage storing and querying. Our experimental results show that our proposed setup forms a low-overhead monitoring solution, with an average of 448 MB of memory and 6.8% CPU usage, while introducing 1.1s end-to- end latency for store operation and 0.6s for ledger querying respectively.

Author Biographies

Dimosthenis Masouros, National Technical University of Athens

Dimosthenis Masouros (Member, IEEE) received a diploma degree in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 2016. He is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. His main research interests include resource management techniques for Cloud architectures. He has published more than 10 technical and research papers in international conferences and journals. He has also worked in EU H2020 projects AEGLE and EVOLVE.

Dimitrios Soudris, National Technical University of Athens

Dimitrios Soudris (Member, IEEE) received the diploma and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in 1987 and 1992, respectively. Since 1995, he has been a professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece. He is currently a professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece. He has authored or coauthored more than 450 papers in international journals/conferences. He has coauthored/coedited seven Kluwer/Springer books. He is the leader and a principal investigator in research projects funded by the Greek Government and Industry, European Commission, ENIAC-JU, and European Space Agency. His current research interests include High-performance Computing, embedded systems, reconfigurable architectures, reliability, and low-power VLSI design. He was a recipient of the Award from INTEL and IBM for the EU project LPGD 25256 and the ASP-DAC 05 and VLSI 05 awards for EU AMDREL IST-2001-34379, as well as several HiPEAC awards. He has served as the general/program chair in several conferences.


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How to Cite

Tzenetopoulos, A., Masouros, D., Kapsoulis, N., Litke, A., Soudris, D. ., & Varvarigou, T. (2022). HLF-Kubed: Blockchain-Based Resource Monitoring for Edge Clusters. Ledger, 7. https://doi.org/10.5195/ledger.2022.230



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